If becoming a foster parent or respite worker isn’t the right decision for you, but you want to help in some way, consider partnering with Therapeutic Family Life by making a contribution. Below are a variety of ways you can help, please choose which fits your situation best, and provides for our children and families most.
You can make a financial contribution by sending a check made payable to: Therapeutic Family Life. Please note in the memo that the check is for a donation. You will receive a tax deductible charitable donation letter and a thank you certificate for your contribution.

Mail your donation check to:
Therapeutic Family Life Donations
3809 S. 2nd Street Suite C-400
Austin, TX 78704
For contributions other than monetary, such as supplies for Back to School, gifts for Christmas & Easter or personal hygiene and household items, please call our toll free number (1-800-394-4939) and have one of our team members put you in contact with your local TFL office to make arrangements for delivery or pick up.
Your generous support helps our mission to continue impacting the lives of children, teens and families every year. It is an honor to have you partner with us and our agency appreciates any form of contribution you feel compelled to share with Therapeutic Family Life.