Why Be a Foster or Adoptive Parent?

Called to Service?
Why be a Foster or Adoptive Parent? Today there is a real need for families who will open their hearts and homes to children in foster care. As a result, abused, neglected, and traumatized children and teens are in need of safe living environments. By fostering you can provide children the love and safety they need to thrive. Not only is fostering one of the most selfless things a family can do, it’s something to be proud of.
Currently, the number of children in foster care in our communities is overwhelming. In turn, this leads to a need for foster families to help care for children in the system. The decision to commit to become a foster parent, will play a crucial role in helping children heal. Additionally, fostering provides stability and teaches life lessons that can potentially affect future generations.
Unfortunately, most children in foster care have not had the chance to experience healthy family life. By providing foster care the children in your home will learn the dynamics of a safe, stable and loving family. Most importantly, children and teens thrive in so many ways from having a sense of belonging to a family.
Sadly, some children and youth may never experience a life without fear, confusion, and chaos. However, fostering can be a powerful way to help provide children and youth with brighter futures. Children in the foster care system need you, they need all of us.
Is your calling in life to help children in need? If you have ever thought about becoming a foster parent, Therapeutic Family Life can help you with the process. Our experienced staff is here to provide you with training and support to help make your journey rewarding.

Contact us today to learn more and become part of the TFL Family!