Could I Be a Respite Worker?

Could I Be a Respite Worker?

If the idea of being a full-time foster parent seems a bit intimidating to start off with there is also Respite care. Respite Care can be a “pause” for foster parents and is defined as a short period of rest or relief. All parents need a break from time to time. Respite care providers are there to give foster parents some time off. This can range from a few hours to a weekend or more. If you find yourself at a point of wanting to help in the foster care community, but just aren’t quite sure if fostering full time is the right step for you at this time you may want to consider helping by providing respite care. Becoming a licensed respite worker is a perfect way to “test the waters” and get a feel for what it would be like to work with foster children before deciding to open your home full time to children in foster care.

Foster families are always in need of trained and licensed respite workers! If you or someone you know has interest or would like more information, Therapeutic Family Life can answer your questions, lead you through the verification process and connect you with foster families who utilize respite care in your community.

Contact us today to learn more and become part of the TFL Family!