Therapeutic Family Life is a Christian-based, private, non-profit foster care and adoption agency.
children are in foster care in the state of Texas each
children were adopted from child welfare in 2019 in Texas
children were waiting to be adopted in 2021 in Texas
Learn more about why you should consider being a foster/adoptive parent by attending one of our online information sessions.
Every day in the State of Texas, children are removed from their families for reasons such as abuse, neglect or abandonment. These children greatly need the care of a loving family and our agency believes every child deserves a safe and loving home. Therapeutic Family Life serves these children by recruiting and training foster families to make it possible for these children to have the opportunity to live in safety and experience a loving family environment.
Therapeutic Family Life (TFL) is a Christian-based, private non-profit organization that has been serving foster children in the State of Texas since July of 1993, providing service to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services Child Protective Services Division, as well as County Juvenile Probation Departments. Our offices support families in Arlington, Austin, Houston, Southeast Texas and San Antonio and together have provided service to more than 15,000 children in the Texas foster care system.
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TFL Blog

Cost Of Adoption In Texas: How Much Does Adoption Cost?
No matter which type of adoption you’re considering – domestic, foster care, overseas, or something else – the cost will likely be one of your

How To Become A Foster Parent In Texas
Foster care is a valuable resource for children who have been removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect. Being a foster parent can

Private vs Public Adoption: What Are The Differences?
Adoption can be a life-changing experience for parents and children alike. It is important to consider all of the options available during this process, such