Our Intake Process
At Therapeutic Family Life we provide a straightforward and easy approach to the intake process. Our goal is to match a child with a family based on the individual needs of the child and unique strengths of each family.
Our intake team works closely with our foster families and has identified distinctive characteristics and skills they can offer to make the best choice in a home that can support each child in their emotional, physical, and spiritual development.
All intakes are staffed weekly with our statewide team to ensure that all placements are considered from a therapeutic, trauma-informed perspective. While our objective is to match a child with the most appropriate family, our intake team provides the nominated foster parents with background information so they can make an informed decision when considering a child for placement.
Therapeutic Family Life allows our foster families the opportunity to make the final decision on accepting a foster child into their home.
Contact us today to learn more and become part of the TFL Family!