Opportunities for Service
The need is real, children in the foster care system are in serious need of our help. Therapeutic Family Life is looking for families to join our foster care team. If you have been considering service in the foster care community and aren’t sure how you can help, here are several ways you can become involved.
Basic care and therapeutic care
Foster parents are the primary, full-time caregiver while a child is living in their home. Some children in care will need to receive more intensive services and are cared for by therapeutic foster parents, who receive special training. Our agency is looking to partner with Basic and Therapeutic foster homes.
Kinship care
When grandparents, other relatives or close family friends are searching for a way to help a child they have a relationship with that is in the foster care system, kinship care can be a way to provide service to the child. If you know of a child needing an out of home placement and you would like to help, Therapeutic Family Life can guide you through the process.
Families can be verified to provide foster care with the intention of adopting. The benefits include minimizing the number of homes a child lives in and giving time for a family bond to develop. If your desire is a more permanent relationship with a child, we can work help you to become a child’s Forever Family.
Respite Care
Respite Caregivers are a needed part of the foster care community. If you aren’t quite ready to commit to a child or children living in your home on a full-time basis, you may want to consider becoming a respite care provider to step in and care for foster children when the full-time foster parents need some time away. Our agency can help you every step of the way.

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Whichever path you may decide is right for you, know that you have made a step in the right direction to help change a child’s story.
Contact us today to learn more and become part of the TFL Family!