How To Become A Foster Parent In Texas


Foster care is a valuable resource for children who have been removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect. Being a foster parent can be a challenging and rewarding experience, but there are certain rules and regulations that you must follow to be eligible for the program.

This article will explore what it takes to become a foster parent in Texas, including eligibility requirements and application processes.

How to Become a Foster Parent in Texas

how to become a foster parent in texas

To become a foster parent, you must first meet the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) requirements. You can then apply to be considered as a potential candidate.

The first step is to visit your local DFPS office and submit an application for fostering children in need of care. This includes completing an application form and providing all necessary information about yourself, including:

  • You must be at least 21 years old.
  • You must be a U.S. citizen or have a permanent resident card.
  • You must pass a criminal background check and agree not to use alcohol or drugs while caring for children in your home unless prescribed by your doctor or prescribed by another licensed professional who is treating you for substance abuse treatment purposes only; this requirement applies even if there are no children present at the time of use by either party (you as the potential foster parent or any other adult residing with you).
  • You must have sufficient income and a good credit history to provide for yourself without assistance from public welfare agencies; this includes having enough money saved up so that if something happens where income stops coming in (like losing one’s job), there will still be enough funds available until things get back on track again without tapping into savings accounts like 401Ks/IRA’s, etc.

What You Need to Know About Foster Care

how to become a foster parent in texas

You’ve probably heard the term “foster care” before, but what does it actually mean? Foster care is a temporary living arrangement for children who have been removed from their homes due to abuse, neglect or other reasons. There are different types of foster care:

  • Residential – This is a more structured situation where the child lives with you full-time and attends school. These placements can last anywhere from one week to two years depending on how long their parents’ situation can improve or if they cannot be reunited with them at all (this happens in less than half of cases).
  • Non-residential – This involves taking care of children temporarily while they stay in another home as well as yours; these arrangements typically last no more than six months and sometimes only weeks if there are pressing issues that need immediate attention, such as legal proceedings against their parents/guardians or medical issues requiring treatment outside of your home environment (such as cancer).

Steps to Becoming a Foster Parent In Texas

how to become a foster parent in texas
  • Application – Fill out the foster parent application online at
  • Background Check – Complete a background check and home study, which involves multiple visits to your home by caseworkers who will assess your suitability as a foster parent and make sure that you’re able to provide adequate care for children in need of temporary placement in your home (this may also include an interview with you).
  • Attend training – This training covers topics including child development, trauma-informed care, and attachment theory; depending on what kind of license you’re applying for (e.g., adoption or non-relative), some training programs may be required before or after completing your initial orientation session, such as Child Welfare Training, CPR/First Aid Training, and Domestic Violence Training.
  • Orientation – Attend an orientation session where you’ll learn more about how DFPS operates as well as get answers to any questions that come up during the process; this is also where applicants sign their contracts with DFPS, agreeing not only not exploit their position but also meet all state regulations regarding foster parenting practices such as reporting suspected child abuse immediately upon discovery thereof rather than waiting until next month’s meeting like they always do because they don’t want anyone thinking they’re being too nosy…

How To Become A Foster Parent In Texas (Takeaway)

Becoming a foster parent can be an incredibly rewarding experience, as it allows you to make a difference in the lives of children here in Texas. With the help of therapeutic family life, you can rest assured that you will have all the support and guidance necessary to become a certified foster parent. From researching Texas’ rules and regulations to completing background checks, participating in home study assessments, attending orientation and certification training classes, and obtaining home safety inspections, plenty of work goes into becoming a foster parent.

However, with our services, it doesn’t have to feel like such a chore because we are here every step of the way! With many years of experience helping families successfully navigate the complicated landscape of Texas’s foster care system, we can ensure your path is smooth sailing along your journey toward becoming a certified foster parent. So don’t wait another minute! Book an appointment today and let us guide you on this incredible journey of transforming lives one family at a time. We encourage you to reach out to your local Department of Family and Protective Services office or Give Therapeutic Family Life a call. We have several locations available in the State of Texas. Learn more here:

About This Author

Leon Smith
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Leon Joseph Smith is the founder and CEO of Therapeutic Family Life, a child-placing and adoption agency with 30 years of experience. With licenses and certificates including LPC, LMFT, LCDC, BCIA, CCDS, and SOTP, Leon brings a wealth of expertise to his role. He has a strong background in counseling, having served children and adolescents with severe emotional and mental disabilities. Leon's focus has always been on providing a "win-win" situation for everyone involved, ensuring the emotional stability of foster children, the expertise of caregivers, and compliance with state regulations. His compassionate approach has been the cornerstone of Therapeutic Family Life's success.